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The Speed of Sound Releases New Video 'Apocalypse Acropolis'

The Speed of Sound releases new video for 'Apocalypse Acropolis' from their album *A Cornucopia*, reflecting on themes of industrial decay.

Published on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 5:00 PM


On September 17, 2024, Manchester-based band The Speed of Sound released their new video for 'Apocalypse Acropolis' from their celebrated triple album, A Cornucopia. This release coincides with the 35th anniversary of the recording of their first EP. 'Apocalypse Acropolis' is featured on the second disc of the album, titled Victory, which is set to go live on streaming platforms starting September 20, 2024. Pre-orders for the album are available here.

The band describes 'Apocalypse Acropolis' as “grounded yet trippy,” featuring a twelve-string picking pattern that transitions into elevated vocals and overdrive. Lyrically, the song reflects on themes of industrial decay and the tangles of human civilization with nature—a commentary on a dead civilization overtaken by environmental reclamation of industrial ruins.

The visual aspect of the video complements these themes, showcasing the crumbling walls and empty windows of once-thriving commercial buildings as nature reclaims its territory, serving as a poignant reminder of the impermanence of human endeavors amidst the passage of time.

The release of 'Apocalypse Acropolis' is a significant addition to The Speed of Sound's discography, aligning with the nostalgic commemoration while also pushing the boundaries of their sonic exploration. This video will likely captivate both new listeners and long-time fans, offering a vivid glimpse into the band’s artistic vision.

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