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Warner Music Group's Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets Approved

Warner Music Group's GHG emissions reduction targets validated by SBTi. The company aims for significant reductions by FY2033 as part of its sustainability initiatives.

Published on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 6:01 PM


Warner Music Group (WMG) has received official validation from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for its new greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. This recognition marks a significant milestone in WMG's commitment to combat climate change and reflects its ambitious goals to improve sustainability throughout its operations.

Specifically, WMG has pledged to reduce its absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 54.6% by fiscal year 2033, using FY2023 as its baseline. Furthermore, it aims to decrease its absolute scope 3 emissions—which encompass emissions from purchased goods and services, as well as travel—by 32.5% within the same timeframe.

Olga LaBelle, WMG's vice president of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), emphasized the importance of these commitments, stating that WMG strives to lead by example in the music industry. The company's emissions profile indicates that less than 5% of its total annual emissions originate from its own facilities and operations (scope 1 and 2), while the majority arises from scope 3 activities.

The initiative coincides with WMG’s earlier commitment made in 2021 as a signatory of the Music Industry Climate Pact. As part of its broader commitment to sustainability, WMG also aims to source 100% renewable energy across its operations by 2030 and is actively building tools, such as a Vinyl Life Cycle Assessment, to evaluate the environmental impact of products like vinyl records. The company also recently introduced the EcoRecord, integrating recyclable materials into its products, underscoring WMG's dedication to environmental responsibility.

For further details, you can read more about WMG’s commitment to sustainability and their initiatives at MusicWeek.

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