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Gene Simmons Proposes The Smiths Reunification Without Johnny Marr

Gene Simmons advises Morrissey to reunite The Smiths without Johnny Marr, highlighting the complexities of trademark rights.

Published on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 8:01 PM


Gene Simmons, the bassist and vocalist of Kiss, has weighed in on the tumultuous relationship between Morrissey and Johnny Marr concerning the potential reunion of The Smiths. In a recent interview with Forbes, Simmons suggested that Morrissey should proceed with the reunion tour without Marr, boldly declaring, "Get rid of the guitar player and get somebody else. Nobody cares. They just want to hear the songs."

This commentary follows Morrissey's announcement about a lucrative offer for both him and Marr to reform The Smiths for a world tour in 2025. Morrissey confirmed on his website that he accepted an offer from AEG Entertainment Group, while Marr, he claims, ignored it. This cruelty was further complicated by Marr's vague remarks about never sharing the stage with Morrissey again.

Adding to the drama, Morrissey recently informed fans that Marr has gained full ownership of The Smiths' trademark rights and intellectual property, allowing Marr to tour under The Smiths name with any vocalist of his choosing — excluding Morrissey. This development leaves Morrissey without the ability to use the band's name and severely impacts his financial opportunities associated with it.

The public conflict raises questions about the future of both artists' careers, as Simmons observes how the public perceives these figures in the music world. His comments echo a common sentiment in the industry regarding the relative anonymity of some artists versus their music's commercial demand. Although Simmons's advice to sever ties with Marr is straightforward, the implications of Marr's new trademark rights create further complexities in a narrative that continues to unfold.

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