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Part-time Office Manager at The Surry International Music Therapy Center

The Surry International Music Therapy Center is hiring a part-time Office Manager for arts venue and rental management.

Published on Friday, September 13, 2024 at 5:11 PM


The Surry International Music Therapy Center is seeking a part-time Office Manager to oversee two distinct projects. The first project involves managing a performing arts venue located in a historic barn along the coast of Maine. The second project covers assistance with managing short-term rentals on the same property, which includes a total of seven buildings. While the role may allow for hands-on management of these rentals, it is important to note that there are already designated housekeeping staff in place, so the Office Manager will not be responsible for cleaning duties.

Applicants should have basic internet skills and familiarity with social media platforms, as these skills will be essential in promoting the Surry Arts initiatives. Additionally, some knowledge of Apple computers is preferred.

The position offers a competitive starting wage of $25 per hour and could present an exciting opportunity to be involved with a developing arts venue. Interested candidates can contact Alan at 207-667-1308 or reach out via email at [email protected]. For more information about the property, you can visit the official website at Surry Arts and Events.

For more details, please visit the original job listing here.

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