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Wynk Music to Shut Down as Subscribers Transition to Apple Music

Wynk Music, a leading Indian streaming service, will shut down and redirect its subscribers to Apple Music via a partnership with Airtel beginning August 2024.

Published on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:26 PM


Wynk Music, one of India's prominent streaming services, is set to cease operations. As of August 2024, subscribers are being directed to Apple Music through a new partnership with Airtel. This strategic collaboration aims to enhance music streaming options for users as Wynk prepares to shut its doors after a notable presence in the competitive Indian market.

Wynk Music, which has enjoyed substantial traction since its launch, stands as an example of the impact local streaming services have faced under the expanding global services like Spotify and YouTube Music. The decisions of Wynk's management prompt a reflection on the rising challenges for homegrown platforms, as they navigate user retention amidst significant industry changes.

With the partnership, Airtel's subscribers will have exclusive access to Apple Music discounts and promotional offers, further incentivizing users to migrate to Apple's platform. As noted by Oliver Schusser, Apple’s Vice President of Apple Music, this move represents a tailored strategy to strengthen Apple Music's foothold in India.

Wynk Music's transition follows a broader trend in the music service landscape, where local platforms are increasingly merging or shifting affiliations to better confront the competitive streaming environment. For more detailed insights, you can find the original announcement here.

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