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The 1975 Respond to Good Vibes Festival Lawsuit Over Onstage Kiss Incident

The 1975 address a $2.4 million lawsuit from Good Vibes Festival in Malaysia, claiming no prior knowledge of the onstage kiss's potential consequences. The band rejects accusations of violating local guidelines and reaffirms their commitment to LGBTQ+ rights amid ongoing legal battles.

Published on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 2:20 PM


The 1975 have officially responded to a lawsuit filed by the organizers of the Good Vibes Festival in Malaysia. The band is facing a claim of $2.4 million from Future Sound Asia (FSA), citing the cancellation of the event after frontman Matty Healy and bassist Ross MacDonald shared an onstage kiss, which the promoters argue violated local laws on LGBTQ+ behavior. The incident occurred during their performance last summer, cutting the show short as Healy condemned Malaysia's strict stance on gay rights, stating, 'I don’t see the point in inviting The 1975 to a country and then telling us who we can have sex with.'

The lawsuit alleges that the band should have been aware of Malaysia's stringent rules regarding performance content, which include prohibitions on smoking, swearing, drinking, and political statements. However, in their filed defense reported by Law360, The 1975 asserted that they had no prior knowledge that a same-sex kiss would lead to the festival's cancellation and denied that the kiss was premeditated. The band maintains that the guidelines referenced in the lawsuit do not impose obligations on international artists.

Following the incident, Good Vibes Festival was canceled entirely, with the organizers later acknowledging the challenges presented by The 1975's performance. Furthermore, the band has since been banned from performing in Malaysia, complicating their relationship with the region.

While the Good Vibes incident continues to be legally contested, Healy remains vocal about LGBTQ+ rights, reinforcing the band’s commitment to advocacy through their art. The case reflects the broader issues surrounding artistic expression and local cultural policies in the music industry.

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